UK Business Environment Workshop
For French investors
The Department for International Trade (DIT) in France and DIT’s Business Environment Advisory Team (BEAT) invite you to attend this workshop for businesses and individuals looking to expand to the UK. Join us to hear about UK government support for overseas investors and why the UK is such a great investment destination.
Thursday 19th November 2020
The Department for International Trade (DIT) in France and DIT’s Business Environment Advisory Team (BEAT) invite you to attend this workshop for businesses and individuals looking to expand to the UK. Join us to hear about UK government support for overseas investors and why the UK is such a great investment destination.
This virtual event will cover business environment topics that matter most to investors looking to establish their business in the UK, namely:
Accessing finance
Opening a bank account
Support for innovative companies
Visas and migration
Accessing to talent within the UK
The workshop will be opened by Ilaria Regondi, Deputy Trade Commissioner for Europe and Director of DIT France.
The BEAT specialists presenting and answering your questions will be:
- Emma Stevens, Business Environment Manager
- Oliver Summers, Research & Innovation Services Manager
- Dan Bowles, Senior Migration Adviser
- Abbie Littlefair, Head of Skills
- Vanesa Lopez Roman Perez, Skills Services Adviser
When ?
Thursday 19th November 2020
from 10:00 to 11:30 CET
Online, webinar on MS Teams
Free to attend, registration needed
Confirm your presence by:
17th November 2020
Please click here to register
For questions, contact:
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