Ontario Medtech Innovation Ecosystem
Virtual Exhibition Available on Demand:
Ontario communities are committed to helping medical technology companies achieve excellence. Learn about the unique innovation ecosystem that helps life sciences thrive in Ontario. The SourcefromOntario website will showcase the following communities:
1. City of Mississauga
2. City of Toronto
3. City of Hamilton
4. City of Richmond Hill
5. City of Brampton
6. County of Simcoe, City of Barrie, City of Orillia
7. City of London
The Ontario Medtech Innovation Showcase will highlight the innovative medical technologies ecosystem across diverse Ontario communities. Participants can expect to click through a series of video assets and presentations showcasing medical technology innovation, academic and research facilities and well established medtech firms, to name only a few of the highlights available in this online showcase. Is there a community that sparks your interest? You will have the chance to connect directly with municipalities through links to their respective community websites and direct social media accounts such as LinkedIn! Are you looking to expand into the North American market? Come see what Ontario communities can offer you.
Please Visit our www.sourcefromOntario.com site: Click Here
Virtual exhibition goes live on: Thursday, October 1st, 2020
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