EIT Health Programmes

EIT Health Bootcamps: learn how to develop your start-up to its full potential

Do you have a business idea that could shake up the European health landscape? EIT Health Bootcamps gives your start-up the chance to explore its full market potential and connect with a network of fellow entrepreneurs and innovators across Europe.

You’ll analyse your competition, identify your USPs and engage with your target customers to take your business to the next level. You’ll have the opportunity to get out there and pitch your idea to experts across Europe.

https://eithealth.eu/medtech-bootcamp/ – Deadline: 15th June 2021

Bridgehead: Take your business abroad

EIT Health’s Bridgehead brings together European health entrepreneurs who want to grow their business beyond their home market with the world’s top incubators and accelerators who have the expertise and resources to make it happen.

We will help match your scale-up with an incubator or accelerator from EIT Health’s approved network – we call these organisations our Catalysers. Together, you will plan how to access new markets quickly and decisively, tap into local networks of partners and clients, access infrastructure and understand new regulatory systems.

The programme is split into:

  • Bridgehead Europe
  • Bridgehead Global

Whichever programme you successfully apply for, you will be given the seasoned expertise, insight and support needed to help realise your business ambitions.

https://eithealth.eu/bridgehead/ – Deadline: 16th March 2021 and 14th September 2021


Investor Network : Accelerating early-stage equity funding for promising healthcare start-up

Raising funds is a lengthy and complex process for start-ups, especially those looking to launch in multiple markets across Europe. At the EIT Health Investor Network, we can help you to navigate that process.

The EIT Health Investor Network connects qualified companies seeking early-stage funding with the first pan-European consortium of more than 80 healthcare investors across 17 countries. We accelerate equity rounds by highlighting and connecting early-stage start-ups with targeted private and institutional healthcare investors across Europe.

https://eithealth.eu/project/investor-network/ – Deadline: throughout the year

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