Call SC1-DTH-01-2019: Big data and Artificial Intelligence for monitoring health status and quality of life after the cancer treatment

The expected impacts of this call are:

  • To design systems for determining and monitoring the combined effects of cancer treatment that can cause development of new medical conditions and/or impair the quality of life through collecting and analyzing health and other type of data
  • To improve the methods for forecasts of ill-health and the preventative strategies for reducing the occurrence of health disorders and co-morbidities associated with cancer treatment.

A project under this call would have funding rate of 100% and a budget up to 5 million euros.

Deadline for submission: 24 April 2019

More information here

For further information regarding the consortium, you can contact Maya Guevska from Europroject, a French-Bulgarian consultancy company specialized in setup and management of European Projects:

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